About the Data
The data presented here was obtained from publicly accessible California Department of Education websites dealing with statewide standardized testing – notably the STAR and CAASPP programs. It encompasses test results since 2003 from over 13,000 public schools, traditional and charter, in 60 counties and over 1,000 districts. The resulting database contains approximately 100 million records.
About the Assessments
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System
On January 1, 2014, the legislature established the CAASPP System of statewide assessments. The first official administration of the CAASPP system assessments was for the 2014-15 school year. It includes assessments of English Language Arts and mathematics in grades three through eight and eleven that are developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). It also includes alternate assessments for those years and subjects, and science assessments in grades five, eight and ten.
California Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program
The STAR program, established by the Legislature in 1997, evolved over a decade to include five types of assessments – California Standards Tests (CSTs), California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA), California Modified Assessment (CMA), and Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS), and Early Assessment Program (EAP) – in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and History-Social Science. Each spring, students in grades two through eleven took a STAR test. The STAR program ended on July 1, 2013.
About the Graphs
Trend Data – Proficiency and Performance Levels by Year
These graphs let you see how SBAC and STAR results for the students of California have changed over time and give you the ability to see trend lines of a school, district, county, or subgroup.
About EdVoice
EdVoice works to improve measurable student achievement and eliminate educational inequality. EdVoice believes that all students can achieve.  Every objective, strategy and decision is weighed on the basis of how to best help all California children succeed. 
With in-depth policy expertise and a commitment to looking to research and real-world results for policy solutions, EdVoice advocates for key policy changes that will make a difference for all California's students.